Iris' AI research

Iris Dominguez-Catena research website

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LLM biases

Large Language Models Reflect the Ideology of their Creators Buyl, M., Rogiers, A., Noels, S., Dominguez-Catena, I., Heiter, E., Romero, R., Johary, I., Mara, A.-C., Lijffijt, J., & De Bie, T. arXiv (2024)

AI Fairness

DSAP: Analyzing bias through demographic comparison of datasets Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. Information Fusion (Vol. 115, p. 102760). Elsevier BV (2024)
Less can be more: representational vs. stereotypical gender bias in facial expression recognition Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., Jurio, A., & Galar, M. Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024)
Metrics for Dataset Demographic Bias: A Case Study on Facial Expression Recognition Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2024)
Gender Stereotyping Impact in Facial Expression Recognition Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 9-22. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)
Assessing Demographic Bias Transfer from Dataset to Model: A Case Study in Facial Expression Recognition Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (AISafety 2022), IJCAI-ECAI 2022, Vienna, Austria (2023)

OWA operators

Learning Channel-Wise Ordered Aggregations in Deep Neural Networks Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 1023-1030. Springer International Publishing (2020)
A Study of OWA Operators Learned in Convolutional Neural Networks Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 16, p. 7195. MDPI AG (2021)
Additional Feature Layers from Ordered Aggregations for Deep Neural Networks Dominguez-Catena, I., Paternain, D., & Galar, M. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). IEEE (2020)